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Higher Purpose Podcast

May 22, 2018

Kevin sits down for an inspiring conversation with Tom Ziglar, of Ziglar, Inc. Tom was the President and CEO of Ziglar until eight years ago, when he began speaking and motivating others to change their lives. Tom and Kevin discuss how to live life on purpose, without regret.

  • ŸTom Ziglar sets the bar high. Whenever he interacts with someone, he says, his aim is to help them become the person that God created them to be – the ideal version of themselves. Tom shares his personal journey to find his purpose.
  • ŸWhat is the key to not regretting the decisions you’ve made and the things you’ve done in life? Tom says the secret is giving it everything you’ve got, and being aware of the open doors as they come along.
  • ŸWe all experience anxieties and challenges we need to overcome in living our purpose. Zig Ziglar, Tom’s dad, always told his kids: do whatever you want in life, but whatever you do, do it it with 100% integrity and 100% effort. Tom discusses how to take this message and live its truth, and what that meant for him in overcoming his doubts and anxieties around speaking.
  • ŸWe’re all leaving a legacy. The question is, is it by design, or by chance? It’s ordinary to make a choice. It’s a bit extraordinary to make an intentional choice. And it’s extremely extraordinary to make a series of right choices, on a regular basis. Tom discusses your legacy, and how you can make the right choices.
  • ŸWhat’s worse than not setting a goal? The answer is a bit surprising – it’s actually worse to set the wrong goal, and achieve it. Tom discusses the importance of defining success for yourself, not according to social expectations or the definitions of others.
  • ŸYou are what you are and where you are because of what’s gone into your mind. What’s your input, and how do you control it? You can change what you are and where you are by changing your input.
  • ŸFind out more about Tom and Ziglar Inc. at, and you can reach Tom at
  • ŸIf you or someone you know is interested in bringing the benefits of designing your legacy to your enterprise, let us know! Email Kevin at
  • Find out more about Kevin's Extraordinary Challenge at www.kevindmonroe/extraordinary.


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