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Higher Purpose Podcast

Oct 10, 2017

Thom is an author and a brilliant mind when it comes to purpose, meaning, gifting, and opportunity. He and Kevin talk about some topics on how to use your gifts, and more importantly, how to FIND your gifts. They also discuss what happens to you and your life when you do. 

  • Thom talks about liminal space, that painful place between two points. Do you try to avoid your liminal space? Do you run from it and what the wisdom of recognizing it could bring you?
  • There was a time when Thom came up against a big patch of liminal space. It came right in the middle of a very successful career. He found himself on stage, in front of an audience who thought he had everything, but he had nothing. He was empty. Learn how it changed him.
  • If you listen to your true self, if you are intentional in your thoughts, you can discover your gift. From your gift is what points to your purpose, and your purpose is what directs your life. Want to know what simple exercise you can do daily to find your gift? Thom shares what he does every day.
  • Everyone has a gift. It's the thing you can do that you can't explain, something that comes to you without effort. Thom explains how you know your gift when you apply it, and the reason why some people seem to have limitless energy when applying their gift.
  • Do you know the difference between possibility and opportunity? Thom explains how you have probably been wearing yourself down to nothing chasing one of these, and not opening yourself to the other.
  • Do you understand what divine intent is? And do you realize that divine intent wants more of you than you ever thought possible? Kevin and Thom discuss those 'inklings' that influence your life.

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If you feel like you don't have purpose at work, or you want to clarify your purpose at work, we have a free 5-day email course you can take with daily challenges and action steps to help bring the meaning you are meant to have into your everyday. Go to