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Higher Purpose Podcast

Mar 13, 2018

Charting a new path for your business is not just about making a few improvements - it’s about the transformation of individuals and institutional culture. Today, Kevin talks to Gary Adamson of Starizon about how to create real transformations in business and in oneself.

  • Sometimes when we try to change the way a business works, we focus on isolated improvements, but find that the result has limited impact. If you continue to do what you’ve always done, you will continue to get what you’ve always gotten out of it.
  • The people who made big changes in the past were explorers, whether geographical, artistic or technological. Transformation is achieved through exploration and doing things differently. Kevin and Gary talk about how to use exploration and creativity as the basis for business transformation.
  • 2/3 of people are disengaged from their work. But work is where most people spend the majority of their time! If you’re disengaged from your work, you’re disengaged from your life. Gary Adamson discusses how to focus on the future to create a vibrant, engaging and inspired culture.
  • Change is guided by leaders. One of the most important roles of leaders is to be able to imagine and define the future, and bring it closer to the present. What happens when we act as if that future was already here? Can we shift our perception of our current reality to bring our goals closer to fruition?
  • Gary discusses five futures that you need to focus on to achieve organizational transformation. The surprising result might change more than just your business.
  • Leaders need to learn new things about themselves in order to lead. Gary discusses self-development, and how the culture of learning inside organizations needs to change to facilitate growth.

Want to watch that great video Kevin mentioned in the podcast? Find the episode here.

Interested in designing the future of your business, increasing your profitability and employee inspiration, and becoming purpose-powered? Let us know! Email Kevin at