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Higher Purpose Podcast

Jan 16, 2018

What's the Clarity Conundrum? You've probably felt it. You know you have a purpose. It aches in your chest to be fulfilled, but you can't put your finger on exactly what it is. That's the conundrum part: trying to find clarity. Are you creating your own Clarity Conundrum? If so, how can you solve it? Kevin shares 4 ways to cut through the conundrum. 

  • Write through to clarity. This is one of Kevin's favorites, but what might YOU write about? You can journal, of course, but Kevin shares one of the most important things you need to do when you journal. He shares a few other writing exercises, like writing out you want to be celebrating about a year from now, or 'imagine if' games.
  • Talk your way to clarity. We aren't all writers. Some of us process information verbally, especially when we are discussing and explaining our thoughts to others. Saying a thing out loud can be very different than thinking it in your head. Maybe you need to process things from your past with another set of ears.
  • Convene a clarity council. The Quakers had it right when they got together to help figure out each other's problems. Like the Quakers, you can gather people around you and form a supportive and honest support group as you search for clarity. There's only one rule. They can ask questions that help you find clarity, but are forbidden from giving advice. It's the ultimate sounding board.
  • Prayer, meditation, and reflection. You don't have to be religious or spiritual to do this. It can be as simple as getting out into nature and taking a walk, removing yourself from normal activity and surroundings. The result can often be an epiphany of clarity for yourself. Don't forget that while you might find clarity through contemplation, it is confirmed in action.
  • So how much clarity does it take to get started? Not nearly as much as you think. What you truly need is trust. There's no GPS for purpose. But there is faith that you'll find your way.

Remember: purpose thrives in community and dies in isolation. If you're ready to jumpstart your journey to purpose, now might be the time to join our program. Spend time with others who are navigating north toward their purpose, and together, make 2018 a year to remember.